...can sometimes be a challenge. But life would not be so interesting and enjoyable without challenges, now would it?
Laura and I have decided (once again) that we never want to live in Rexburg, Idaho. Besides the fact it can become so cold your nose hairs freeze and fall out (could be a remedy for Lyle's ear hairs), the more important reason for not wanting to live here is the lack of jobs, unless you are going into construction or farming. For neither of which a fond desire resides in my heart, and for neither do I have the necessary allotted time.
Laura and I have come to terms with our bank account being so low we have to reach into savings to pay next month's rent as jobs for both of us have been this close to being acquired (-------> <-------), but then lost at the last second. And currently, I have a resume in the process of being reviewed for a job which others are clearly more qualified. But, as Laura's grandfather Bill Pettit, would say, "If you don't apply for the job, you won't get it." So I applied, continually trying to do my part, though my hopes are not as high as they have been in the past.
Nonetheless, neither of us have jobs, though we continually try to obtain one with failure, and therefore, have no source of income (as I write this, I smirk at our dismal situation). Somehow we will manage to make it through to the end of August; our housing contract ends then. Scraping the bottom of the barrel, savings, and a mutual fund should do it. But after, what shall we do? Fear not readers, for we have developed a plan!
Laura and I have decided to hold off on schooling for the Fall semester in hopes that I can obtain an internship earlier than expected. This is with hopes also of continuing with that internship through the winter semester (as winter semester is tax season). We will then, ideally, have enough saved up to finish school. And of course considering my excellent work which will be performed at the place of my internship, they will want to hire me when I have graduated.
Any thoughts?