So the upcoming lawyer in the family had problems with my last post. The purpose of this post is to produce a more viable explanation as to why one should vote "yes" on Proposition 8.
If Proposition 8 does not pass, we do not know what will happen for sure, but we can look elsewhere for answers--the Scandinavian countries for an example. Ten years ago, same-sex marriage was approved by Scandinavian countries and since then, in Sweden, the divorce rate between homosexuals is 50% higher for gay men and 167% higher for lesbian women compared to the heterosexual divorce rate. What is shown is that marriage is not for purposes of families anymore, but is now all about adult desires--marriage is being separated from parenting. Marriage is in a steep decline, as is child well-being. And if children are the future, the future of the Scandinavian countries is becoming quite bleak.
More can be said about what is happening in the above mentioned countries, but from this evidence I don’t see homosexual marriage as something good for society and will be a big hurt for the future—society will begin to deteriorate in the name of “tolerance.”
Of course many will argue that homosexuals can raise children just as well as a heterosexual couple. And where is the evidence for this? Studies have not proven this by any means. The current studies mostly compare lesbian mothers or gay fathers to a SINGLE heterosexual parent. So, in the end, a gender is left out. Also, the samples sizes of these studies are so small (15-30 people), compared to who knows how many children with same-sex parents, that this “evidence” is not conclusive at all. The studies typically used small children. (Chan, Raboy, & Patterson, 1998; Flaks et al. 1995; Golombok et al. 2003). There is no substantial evidence showing what happens to these children when they are much older. The homosexual parents acquired for the studies were not even close to a random sample, where as for the heterosexual parents (because of their larger number) a more random sample was attainable. This throws the studies off quite a bit as well.
Some of these studies state, “Gay fathers and lesbian mothers are every bit as knowledgeable about effective child-rearing practices as heterosexual parents are (Bigner & Jacobson, 1989; Flaks et al. 1995).” As homosexual couples cannot naturally have offspring, they need to seek out special methods to have children. They, of course would be much more interested in parenting and research would be done concerning children—and this would be the cause of all their knowledge about being parents. But just because they “know” more does not mean the knowledge can be brought into action. And the studies state that lesbian mothers are not really any different than heterosexual mothers. So in a lesbian mother household, a father’s love is absent. Now, I am not saying that in lesbian households this is going to happen (because there are no studies to support this specifically towards lesbian households), but studies we DO have show that fatherless children grow up to have higher rates of delinquency, suicide, and other such problems.
Commonly, the homosexual-marriage movement is compared to the black civil rights issues. Many blacks do not feel that the comparison is accurate. Did you catch the quote, "I've met former homosexuals...but I've never met a former black person"? Blacks are born black, whites are born white, etc. Homosexuality is not a race. I don't believe along the lines of "people are born gay"; however, people may be born with homosexual tendencies, just as a male (compared to a female) has a much greater tendency to view pornography, or as a female (compared to a male) has a greater tendency to be compassionate. Unnatural and improper tendencies should be controlled however; homosexuality is unnatural because nothing comes from it. It is natural for a man and woman to reproduce.
Some, then, may argue, “What about couples that cannot have children, or those in their golden years of life? They should not be allowed to marry.” Just because the design may not always work does not mean the design is changed. What joins a man and a woman together can only be imitated by homosexual couples. And a child raised by a mother and a father can only be imitated by homosexual couples. A father and mother each bring distinct and divine qualities to a marriage for a child to acquire as it grows. If you remove one gender, you remove those qualities as well.
I believe that homosexual marriage will begin to break down society because focus will be taken away from successful parenting and raising of children. Instead the focus will be placed on adult desires. If families are the basis of society, then it would be better for society to vote "yes" on Proposition 8.
Out on the lake
7 years ago